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Writer's pictureNyla Person Burgos

My Cannon Ball Moment: Transforming Experience

I made a personal vow to fulfill our institution's guiding concept when I received a

scholarship to attend Brigham Young University-Hawaii: "Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve."

This concept reflects the tremendous duty to absorb information within these walls and then use learned skills, wisdom, and competence to better my fellow countrymen's lives when I return home. Throughout my academic journey, I have consistently attributed my successes to God, expressing gratitude for this invaluable opportunity.

I was awarded a scholarship called the “Iwork Program." This not only substantially

covered my tuition but also facilitated my employment at the renowned Polynesian Cultural

Center, a prominent tourist destination in Hawaii. My roles within the center spanned various

positions, starting as a dedicated member of the food service crew and progressing to roles such as pantry worker in the main kitchen, junior accounting clerk, and ultimately, an inventory clerk at the Food and Beverage Warehouse. These diverse experiences not only enriched my academic pursuits but also provided practical insights into different facets of the workforce.

During my time as a student, I served as the Filipino Chapter President, leading a diverse

group of approximately 150 club members hailing from our country and various nationalities. As a result of my leadership engagement, I became an active member of the Student Council, where I held the prestigious post of Executive Director within the Service and Learning Team. These duties extended my horizons, allowing me to forge valuable connections and make meaningful contributions to the college community.

Reflecting on my time in the United States, I am grateful for the multifaceted experiences

that have shaped me into a well-rounded individual with a profound sense of purpose. I am eager to carry forward the principles ingrained in me at Brigham Young University-Hawaii and fulfill the promise I made to both the institution and, ultimately, to serve my homeland with the knowledge and skills acquired during my educational journey.

When I graduated, I faced considerable hurdles in keeping my promise to return to the

Philippines. As I stood at this crossroads, I was unsure whether returning home was still the best option for my personal growth and success. This dilemma was intensified when my parents permanently moved to the United States to live with my sister, her family, and other relatives. The desire to reconnect with my parents after an absence of more than five years tugged at my heart, despite having siblings still in the Philippines. I was concerned about the job market in the Philippines, especially considering my degree in hospitality and tourism management. The prevalent emphasis on physical appearance as a basis for discrimination added another layer of apprehension. With my visa nearing expiration, three dedicated suitors extended marriage proposals, job offers materialized from relatives and friends, and the option to pursue graduate studies lingered. Amidst these compelling reasons to stay, I found solace in the singular, unwavering motivation to return home: the commitment I had made to both God and myself.

Despite the allure of opportunities abroad, I recognized that my ultimate purpose and promise lay in fulfilling my commitment to God and embracing the journey that awaited me in my homeland. This profound experience has become the guiding principle of my leadership philosophy. It imparted a crucial lesson, emphasizing the imperative for leaders to remain steadfast in their mission. Life presents an array of distractions, both positive and negative, yet the essence of exceptional leadership lies in maintaining purity of intentions and motives. As we discussed in class, true leaders have three important characteristics: competence, character, and purpose.

Among them, I believe purpose is the ultimate litmus test. It forces leaders to consider if their

efforts are motivated by selfish gain or a greater, selfless calling. During this transformative

journey, I discovered a key truth: the potential to inspire and transform followers is dependent on the leader's inner metamorphosis.

Just as there is no fixed formula in poetry or musical composition, the art of leadership

lacks a one-size-fits-all approach. Drawing a parallel to my experience playing the piano, I

recognize that there are diverse interpretations of a single piece. However, the capacity to truly resonate with an audience is only realized when the musician is wholly immersed in the harmony and message of the composition. Transformative leaders, in essence, serve as living proof of the change they aspire to instill in their followers. The authenticity of their leadership lies in the alignment of their transformative experiences with the change they hope to cultivate in others.

To enhance my leadership capabilities based on the insights shared, I am committed to

upholding the three key objectives established collectively by our management team in our

strategic plan and leadership vision. These objectives encompass people excellence, structural effectiveness, and cost reduction. For effective leadership, it is crucial to have a clear vision of our destination and the strategy to reach it. With these identified objectives in mind, I aim to embody them each day, ensuring their seamless integration from the organizational level down to the individual. In my role as General Manager, I plan to conduct quarterly evaluations of department heads and meticulously scrutinize the reports they submit. I will provide candid and constructive feedback to each leader, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the key action plans they have committed to. Furthermore, I will establish measurable metrics that facilitate a comprehensive analysis of the outcomes to foster a culture of accountability and continuous improvement within our team.

For personal growth, I am committed to actively acknowledging and reflecting on the

impactful moments – the cannonball experiences – that shape my life. A crucial aspect of this journey involves being more deliberate in how I utilize my personal time. Guided by the

profound insight that "If you cannot manage your time, you cannot manage your life," I aspire to infuse purpose into every moment. Another pillar of my self-improvement attempt is prudent spending. I am motivated to spend wisely, knowing that wise financial decisions contribute greatly to a well-balanced and meaningful life. In terms of relationships, I am now working on improving my connections and setting appropriate boundaries. This is making a conscious effort to cultivate meaningful relationships that match with my beliefs and contribute positively to my well-being.

Inspired by our leadership development class discussion, I am attracted by the idea that

leadership is inextricably linked to our own personalities. I am convinced that our personalities have a unique power. When we manage and lead our lives with ability, our personalities blossom in their innate beauty. This realization strengthens my conviction that meaningful leadership is an inside journey that begins with self-awareness and the deliberate development of one's personality attributes. In essence, I recognize that true leadership is a manifestation of our inner selves, and as

we harness the unique power within our personalities, we embark on a journey where leadership not only thrives but becomes a genuine reflection of our authentic selves.

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